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USAMO 2015 P5

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:35 am
by Kazi_Zareer
Let $a, b, c, d$ be distinct positive integers such that $a^4 + b^4 = c^4 + d^4 = e^5 $. Show that $ ac + bd $ is a composite number.

Can't solve it properly :( :( . Any help will be appreciated! :)

Thanks You!

Re: USAMO 2015 P5

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:22 am
by ahmedittihad
Not my solution

Clearly $ac+bd>2$, so supposed for sake of contradiction that $ac+bd=p$, some odd prime.

Assume without loss of generality that $a>c,$ or otherwise we could switch $a$ with $c$ and $b$ with $d$. So $a^4>c^4=a^4+b^4-d^4$ implying $b^4<d^4$ and $b<d$.

Now note $a^4-c^4=d^4-b^4$ so
Lemma: If $f,g,h,i$ are positive integers satisfying $fg=hi$, then there exist positive integers $w,x,y,z$ such that
Proof: This is well known, but a proof is included anyway.

Let $w=\gcd(f,h)$, and let $f=wx$,$h=wy$ for some relatively prime positive integers $x,y$. Now $fg=hi$ implies
Since $x,y$ are relatively prime,
x\mid yi \Rightarrow x\mid i
Let $z = \frac{i}{x}$, so now $i=zx$ and
xg=yzx\Rightarrow g = yz
so we have found $w,x,y,z$.

Apply the lemma to
We obtain $w,x,y,z$ so that

Solving these equations for $a^2,b^2,c^2,d^2$ yields.
Factoring the left hand side yields
Suppose we had $ac=bd$. This would imply $a^4c^4=b^4d^4$ so
and $b^4=c^4$, contradicting distinctness.
So $ac-bd\neq 0$. In fact we can assume WLOG $ac-bd>0$, or we could switch $a$ with $d$ and $b$ with $c$. So $y>z$ as well.

$p$ is odd and divides the right hand side of $(1)$. So either $p\mid w^2+z^2$, $p\mid y-x$, or $p \mid y+x$. In each case we derive a contradiction.

Case 1: $p\mid w^2+z^2$.

Note that
so $p \mid e^5$ (since $p$ is odd). Thus $p\mid e$ and $p^5\le e^5$. This implies
(ac+bd)^5\le e^5=a^4+b^4
(ac+bd)^5&\ge a^5c^5+5a^4c^4bc+5acb^4d^4+b^5d^4\\
which is a contradiction.

Case 2: $p\mid y-x$. Then
Now if we had $w=z=1$, this would imply
a contradiction. So $w^2+z^2\ge 5>$, and
ac-bd>y+x>y-x\ge p = ac+bd
But this is clearly impossible for positive $a,b,c,d$.

Case 3: $p\mid y+x$

Note that
Note $b^2+c^2>0$ so $z>w$.

If we had $z-w=1$, then this would imply $y+x=2(b^2+c^2)$. So $p\mid 2(b^2+c^2)$ implies $p\mid b^2+c^2$ since $p$ is odd. But $p>c^2+b^2$ as before, contradiction. Otherwise, $z-w\ge 2$, so
p>c^2+b^2\ge y+x
\], which contradicts $p\mid y+z$.

In all cases, there is a contradiction, and $ac+bd$ is composite.

Re: USAMO 2015 P5

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:09 pm
by Thanic Nur Samin
For the sake of contradiction, let $ac+bd=p$ a prime. Now, we get,

$$a^4c^4 \equiv b^4d^4 (\text{mod } p)$$
$$(e^5-b^4)c^4 \equiv b^4(e^5-c^4) (\text{mod } p)$$

Now, $p|e^5\Rightarrow p^5|a^4+b^4$ which is impossible for size reasons.

So, $p|(b^2+c^2)(b+c)(b-c)$

Clearly, for size reasons, the only case we need to deal with is $p|(b^2+c^2)\Rightarrow p|(ac+bd)^2+(ab-cd)^2$

So we get $p|ab-cd$.

The rest is left to the reader as an excercise.