Friendly Set (self-made)

For discussing Olympiad Level Algebra (and Inequality) problems
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Fm Jakaria
Joined:Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:49 pm
Friendly Set (self-made)

Unread post by Fm Jakaria » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:06 pm

Let X be a nonempty set of rational numbers; so that for any two elements a and b of X, a-b also belongs to X.
A finite nonempty set F of rational numbers is said to be a 'friend' of X; if for any element c of X, there exists elements a(1),a(2),.....,a(i) of F and integers r(1), r(2),......, r(i) such that
c = a(1)r(1)+a(2)r(2)+......+a(i)r(i); where i is greater than 1 and each r(j) is either 1 or -1.

Prove that if X has at least one friend; then the friend of X that has lowest cardinality must have cardinality 1.
You cannot say if I fail to recite-
the umpteenth digit of PI,
Whether I'll live - or
whether I may, drown in tub and die.

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